Neon Genesis Evangelion is an anime series that belongs to the mecha genre. It was produced by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production and written and directed by Hideaki Anno. It’s set in the future, and the story is about people who are able to pilot giant robots or machines. They are tasked to battle against beings known as Angels.
Tekken is a fighting game series that can be played in several different platforms such as PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance. The franchise was created, developed, and produced by Namco or Bandai Namco Entertainment. The main story is about the King of Iron Fist Tournament, which is hosted by the Mishima Zaibatsu Corporation, and the many characters who participate in this competition.
She has a very confident personality. She is the type of person who has no problems starting fights though she does try to break fights between other people. She makes use of the Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts as her fighting style and is rather adept at it.
She’s very confident and has a high opinion of herself and her capabilities. But, while she is very skilled as an Eva pilot, Langley hides behind her fiery temper and seemingly nasty personality. On the inside, she’s rather insecure and vulnerable.
Aside: this post is part of the Names Series, a series of short articles intended to showcase some characters who just happen to share the same name even though they’re from different shows and series.
- First pic is a screenshot of the favorite Asuka poll from my Opinion Stage account. It was created on 12 June 2015
- Pics from that screenshot and from the poll are from; links shown above
- This was previously published on my Tumblr blog on 15 June 2015
Tekken is a fighting game series that can be played in several different platforms such as PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance. The franchise was created, developed, and produced by Namco or Bandai Namco Entertainment. The main story is about the King of Iron Fist Tournament, which is hosted by the Mishima Zaibatsu Corporation, and the many characters who participate in this competition.
What the 2 series have in common?
If there’s one thing that the 2 aforementioned series have in common, it’s the fact that they each have a character that share the same first name. The name in question is "Asuka" and the characters are Asuka Kazama from Tekken and Sohryu Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion.Asuka Kazama from Tekken
Asuka Kazama (#ad) is a high school student. She’s actually related to Jin Kazama, the main character of the Tekken series. She was first introduced in Tekken 5.She has a very confident personality. She is the type of person who has no problems starting fights though she does try to break fights between other people. She makes use of the Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts as her fighting style and is rather adept at it.
Sohryu Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sohryu Asuka Langley (#ad) is 14 and one of the main characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Her nationality is American, but she is three-quarters German and one quarter Japanese. She comes across as a vain, proud and even arrogant person.She’s very confident and has a high opinion of herself and her capabilities. But, while she is very skilled as an Eva pilot, Langley hides behind her fiery temper and seemingly nasty personality. On the inside, she’s rather insecure and vulnerable.
Your favorite Asuka?
It’s interesting to note how highly different these two characters are, not just in looks but also in personality even though they share the same first name. So, which one do you like best then? You can share your thoughts and opinion by taking the quick poll below. Know another Asuka or like another one who isn't mentioned here? Feel free to tell us about this character. Mention their name and the series they're from in the comments section below.Aside: this post is part of the Names Series, a series of short articles intended to showcase some characters who just happen to share the same name even though they’re from different shows and series.
- First pic is a screenshot of the favorite Asuka poll from my Opinion Stage account. It was created on 12 June 2015
- Pics from that screenshot and from the poll are from; links shown above
- This was previously published on my Tumblr blog on 15 June 2015