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How Sugar Sugar Rune's Chocolat Kato Is Better Than Harry Potter's Lily Evans?

Saturday, September 02, 2017
The continuation of the post title is "at least when it comes to being active and protecting their friends or other people." This post compares and contrasts Lily Evans from the Harry Potter series of books by J.K. Rowling and Chocolat Kato from the Sugar Sugar Rune anime and manga series by Moyoco Anno.
Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno

Chocolat from Sugar Sugar Rune

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato (#ad) is the main character of the Sugar Sugar Rune series. The story revolves around her and her best friend, Vanilla Mieux / Ice, being sent from the Magical World to the Human World in order to compete in the Queen Selection Contest. Their goal is to gather as many hearts as they can. Whoever gathers the most hearts will become the new queen of the Magical World.

Lily Evans from Harry Potter

Lily Evans Potter is the mother of Harry Potter, the main character of the Harry Potter series. She's the wife of James Potter and the best friend of Severus Snape, the Head of Slytherin house and the Potions teacher in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She gives up her life in order to protect her son from the Dark Lord Voldemort, the main villain or antagonist.

What Lily and Chocolat have in common?

  • Both are known as witches (though the magic system of Sugar Sugar Rune and the Harry Potter series differ)
  • They have wands
  • They have red hair
  • They have green eyes
  • They can be brash and outspoken, presenting a tough exterior (more on this below)
  • They can be active and helpful though one tends to overdo it while the other doesn't (more on this below)

Sugar Sugar Rune episode 2

In the second episode of the Sugar Sugar Rune anime, we can see that Chocolat seems to have the tendency to use her powers for every little thing. It's good that she's being all active about helping people, but, does she really have to use magic at the drop of a hat?

For example, when that guy was talking to the girl about ballet, how come Chocolat couldn't handle that incident without using magic when she presented herself as a very tough girl? Besides, why'd she resort to magic right away when the guy hasn't even done anything yet?

Snape's Worst Memory scene in Harry Potter

When compared to Kato, Lily comes across as passive. If Chocolat was being rather extreme or if she tends to overdo how she helps people, then Evans comes across as the exact opposite of that. Let's take, for example, what happened in the Snape's Worst Memory scene in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book in the HP series.

In this scene, James Potter and his friends, the Marauders (Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black), are bullying Severus Snape, Lily's best friend. Evans shows up to "help". Why is the word help in quotation marks, you ask? Because, based on what happened, it feels like she didn't really help.

Lily talks to James, showing off her tough and brash exterior by telling him to stop bullying her best friend. But Potter doesn't listen. He tries to blackmail her into going out with him (he says he'll stop bullying Severus Snape if Lily agrees to go on a date with him). He even threatens to hurt her.

It's clear that James has no intention of stopping what he's doing unless Lily agrees to go out with him. So what does Evans do? She keeps right on talking to Potter even though it's clear that was not working at all.

She's a witch, she has magic, so why doesn't she use that to help her best friend? If she can't handle the situation on her own, why doesn't she call on her friends or the teachers for help? There were so many things she could have done to help Severus instead of just standing there and talking to James.

Lily doesn't even spare a single word for Snape. She only talks to him when he ends up calling her a 'mudblood'. By then, she's done "helping" him. In the end, she leaves him to his bullies and tormentors. So much for helping.

Is Chocolat Kato better than Lily Evans?

In this regard, at least, yes, Chocolat can be said to be better than Lily. Because she's not all talk. She actually helps for real. Maybe she uses magic at the drop of a hat, but at least she uses it for a good reason.

On the other hand, Lily is said to be a bright and intelligent witch, so she's perfectly capable of actually helping Snape (as in using her own magic to free him) and yet she appears to be more interested in talking to James Potter, the bully. What does that say about her?

Another thing to take note of is how Kato is actually new to the Human World, so she's not that close to the girl she was helping in episode 2. She's new to the school, and it's not Vanilla Ice, her best friend, who is in trouble. And yet Chocolat helps anyway. If this was her best friend in need of help, it's clear she'll definitely help.

In contrast to that, in Lily's case, the one who is in trouble is her best friend. Severus Snape is said to be her best friend, but the way she "helps" him leaves a lot to be desired. It's like she didn't really put that much effort into it. Her actions don't scream "best friend". They scream "random passer-by who decided to help, but then changed her mind when the person she was helping ended up insulting her".

Of course, it was her right to get mad and angry when Snape called her a 'mudblood'. But that didn't happen until much later. What would have happened if Lily's priority when she first showed up in this scene was to actually help Severus? What if she showed up and focused her attention on Snape to help him? What if she only had a few scathing words to say to Potter and the Marauders before turning her back on them and using her magic to help her best friend?

Unfortunately, Evans didn't do any of this. She seemed perfectly content talking to James and basically ignoring her supposed best friend. Again, what does that say about her when she's supposed to be a kind and nice person?

Your thoughts and opinions?

So, what do you think about all this? Which one do you like better- Chocolat or Lily? Do you think Evans could have done more to help her best friend? Do you think Kato uses magic at the drop of a hat?

- Pic is from; link shown above

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