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Results Of The Favorite Sora Poll

Saturday, April 14, 2018
I added an Opinion Stage poll to this post where I talked about two characters from two different series who happened to have the same name. The name in question was "Sora," which means "sky" in Japanese. And the series in question are Kingdom Hearts and Digimon.
sora takenouchi, digimon, kingdom hearts, square enix, disney, video games, anime, manga, Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation, WiZ, Bandai
Digimon is a Japanese media franchise which includes anime, manga, video games, and more. The series is about creatures known as Digital Monsters. They live in the Digital World. Characters known as the Digidestined are tasked to raised these beings. Sora Takenouchi (#ad) is one of these people. Her Digimon is named Biyomon.

On the other hand, Kingdom Hearts is a series of role-playing video games for various platforms such as PlayStation 1 to 4, Xbox 1, and more. Sora (#ad) is the name of the main character of this series. After losing his world, he travels to many different and other worlds where he gets to meet all sorts of people and have all sorts of adventures.

Anyway, for reasons which I'll talk about in another post on another one of my blogs, I decided to delete the Opinion Stage poll and replace it with one from SurveyMonkey instead.
opinion stage, poll, sora, poll results, favorite character
The post in question had been previously published elsewhere before being posted on this blog. The poll was made on 24 November 2014.
favorite character, poll results, sora, opinion stage, online polling site
On my dashboard on the Opinion Stage site, the statistics page for this poll looks like this:
statistics page, poll results, favorite character, sora, opinion stage, pie chart, polling site
This is the new favorite Sora poll from SurveyMonkey:

So, what about you? Who's your favorite Sora? You can share your thoughts and opinions by voting or by leaving a comment below.

- Pics are screenshots from my Opinion Stage account
- Pics from the first screenshot and photos from the poll are from; links shown above

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