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Results Of The Favorite Valentine Poll

Friday, July 27, 2018
I added an Opinion Stage poll to this post where I talked about characters from two different series who happen to share the same last name. The name in question is "Valentine". The characters are Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop and Vincent Valentine from the Final Fantasy series.

faye valentine, cowboy bebop, vincent valentine, final fantasy, anime, manga, games, video games, trivia, poll results

Cowboy Bebop is an anime and manga series. The anime was animated by Sunrise Studio, directed by Shinichirō Watanabe, and written by Keiko Nobumoto. The manga was published by Kadokawa Shoten and Tokyopop and written by Yutaka Nanten. Faye Valentine (#ad) is one of the main characters from this show. She is a bounty hunter who has no memory of her past.

She was severely injured in an accident, which led to her being cryogenically frozen until a cure could be found for her wounds. After 54 years in suspended animation, she was finally woken, only to find out that she couldn't remember anything and she'd incurred a huge debt. Since she couldn't and didn't want to pay her debts, she decided to run away and become a bounty hunter instead.

On the other hand, Final Fantasy is a series of video games for different platforms including PlayStation and Wii. It was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi and developed by Square Enix. Vincent Valentine (#ad) is one of the characters from this series.

He's the main character in the Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus game. He appears to be a loner though he does have some friends. He's a capable fighter whose weapon of choice is a three-barreled revolver called Cerberus.

Anyway, for reasons that I'll talk about in another post on another one of my blogs, I've decided to delete the Opinion Stage poll and replace it with one from SurveyMonkey instead. The poll in question was created on 06 Dec 2014.

faye valentine, cowboy bebop, vincent valentine, final fantasy, anime, manga, games, video games, trivia, poll results, favorite characters, opinion stage, polling site

On my dashboard on the Opinion Stage site, the statistics page for this poll looks like this:

faye valentine, cowboy bebop, vincent valentine, final fantasy, anime, manga, games, video games, trivia, poll results, favorite characters, opinion stage, polling site

This is the new favorite Valentine poll from SurveyMonkey:

So, what about you? Who's your favorite Valentine? You can share your thoughts and opinions by voting or by leaving a comment below.

- Pics are screenshots from my Opinion Stage account
- Pics from the first screenshot and photos from the poll are from; links shown above

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