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Get Backers Opening Theme Song In Spanish

Sunday, February 03, 2019
Did you know that there's a Spanish version of the first opening theme song of the Get Backers anime? Pretty cool, huh?

get backers, anime, manga, op, opening theme song, tamura naomi, yuragu koto nai ai, unshaken love, amor sincero, sincere love, quote, lyrics, spanish version

About Get Backers

Get Backers (#ad) is an anime and manga series written by Shin Kibayashi and illustrated by Rando Ayamine. The story is about friends Ban Mido and Ginji Amano.

Their job is to retrieve or get back anything that was lost, hence the title. Both of them have special abilities, which they use to help them with their tasks.

Ban has the Evil Eye or Jagan, which allows him to create illusions, and the Snakebite, which gives him incredible superhuman strength. Ginji has the ability to control electricity, which earned him the title Lightning Emperor or Raitei.

Get Backers Japanese Opening Theme Song

The first opening theme song of Get Backers is entitled "Yuragu Koto Nai Ai" in Japanese. It's translated as Unshaken Love. It was sung by Naomi Tamura.

Get Backers Spanish Opening Theme Song

The Spanish version of Yuragu Koto Nai Ai is known as Amor Sincero. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that means "Sincere Love". LOL. 😊

Unfortunately, I couldn't find info on who sang this song. I was able to find the Spanish lyrics for the short TV size version of the song on the description of the YouTube video below:

So, what do you think of the Spanish version of this song? I actually like it. It sounds nice. I mean, I love Yuragu Koto Nai Ai, but Amor Sincero sounds really nice too even if I don’t really understand more than half of what’s being sung. The song just has a nice and lively beat to it.

English Translated Lyrics of Yuragu Koto Nai Ai

What do you think about the English translation of this song's lyrics? For me, I really like it and think it's quite meaningful, not to mention quotable. Here are some highlights:

"Running through illusions, delusions, and dreams, the miracle inside us awakens"

"Don't forget you're not alone"

"It's only unshaken love that'll scatter in the sky like stardust"

Your Thoughts and Opinions

So, what about you? What do you think about this? Feel free and welcome to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below.

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