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Problems With Chocolat And Vanilla’s Wands In Sugar Sugar Rune

Monday, August 22, 2016
sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno, chocolat kato, vanilla ice
In Sugar Sugar Rune, an anime and manga series by Moyoco Anno, the main characters Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice are given wands before they're sent to the Human World.

What's wrong with those 2 being given wands? Actually, there's really nothing wrong with that. Clearly, the magic system in this show includes wands just like in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

The problem is when these girls are given wands. It's pretty much right before they were sent to the Human World for the Queen Contest.

Prior to that, they were living in the Magical World. The question now is how come they only get wands now? Why weren't they given wands before? What's wrong with getting a wand before the Queen Contest?

The issue here is the fact that Chocolat and Vanilla were living in the Magical World. So, technically, it shouldn't be a problem for them to be carrying wands or to be seen with wands because the people around them also have magic.

What's the reason why they couldn't get wands before then? It doesn't seem to make sense, right? I talk more about this problem with Kato and Ice's wands in this post here on Soyuz Mir.

I'd have moved this one here on Anime Archives (Anime Meta) too, but it's already got some comments and notes on Tumblr, so I decided to keep it there indefinitely. I'm mentioning it here for reference as the rest of the anime posts on there will eventually be moved here.

- Pic is from; link shown above

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