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What's Wrong With Vanilla Cleaning Chocolat's Room In Sugar Sugar Rune?

Sunday, April 30, 2017
In episode 4 of the Sugar Sugar Rune (#ad) anime and manga series by Moyoco Anno, we see Vanilla cleaning Chocolat’s room. Why does she have to do that? What’s wrong with that?

No, seriously, why does Vanilla Mieux / Ice have to clean Chcolat’s room? Fine, we get it, she’s really nice and kind, etc, etc. But why does that have to mean that she should be the one to clean her best friend’s room?
Vanilla Mieux / Ice, Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno
She’s not a servant and she’s clearly distressed with having to do it. She even asks Chocolat Meilleure / Kato to help her, but the latter refuses. So, why would Vanilla clean her best friend’s room if she doesn’t want to?

It’s Kato’s room anyway, not hers, so why not just leave it up to her to clean? Why should it be her problem if Chocolat wants to live in a pig sty or something? What do you think?

- Pic is from; link shown above

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