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Problem With The Magical Transformation Sequence In Sugar Sugar Rune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
What's wrong with the magical transformation sequence of Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice from the Sugar Sugar Rune anime (#ad) and manga series by Moyoco Anno?

Remember the days of Sailor Moon and other magical-type anime series that include long and drawn-out magical transformation sequences? It’s like we just have to see each and every single angle of each and every single character’s transformation. We have to see how their clothes change, how they acquire their weapons, etc.
Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno, reviews
Well, it’s kind of like that with Sugar Sugar Rune. Needless to say, I can definitely do without these utterly pointless and useless transformation sequences. The only good thing about this one is how it’s not that long.

It’s actually pretty fast when you compare it to the other transformation sequences in other shows. Plus, we only have to see 2 people transforming (Chocolat and Vanilla). Compare that to having to see, say, the entire cast of Sailor Moon transforming into their magical outfits.

But I still think that they could have made the entire thing much, much shorter. Of course, it’d be much preferable if they cut it out altogether or if they only showed it once or if they just made it really super-fast because, seriously, how many times do we have to see this transformation sequence anyway?

Once is more than enough. Twice is pushing it, but more than that? Ugh. Enough is enough. Why can’t we have them automatically transform or something or like why can’t they just transform in the blink of an eye? Why do we have to see them transforming each and every single episode? What a waste of time. What do you think about all this?

- Pic is from; link shown above

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